This can be used to remove unwanted holes.
Flatten to Surface - This tool will attempt flatten the surrounding area (larger circle) to match the sampled area under the center of the target. If the center of the target is initially placed on a higher area and then moved, the terrain will attempt to move up to match.
Flatten to Foundation - Flattens the terrain surrounding the center of the target to the same height of the point under the center of the target. Often used to create caves, lakes, and caverns from a previously flat surface. Push - Subtracts terrain from under the target. The terrain underneath remains solid, so this tool simply adds material.
Pull - Grabs the surface below the target and raises it. There are seven tools for the player to choose from. The tools are only limited by the imagination of the player. Players have used the tools to create creatures, islands, and even a planet. Sculpting is used to alter the terrain to create hills, caves, lakes (with the help of the Water tool), caverns, and so much more. Use the 'undo' key to remove the last action taken. Another good idea is to paint from the top down. A good hint is to always paint after sculpting since sculpting removes paint. While the park items themselves are required to stay inside the designated lines, paint can be applied to areas outside the lines. Paint options are also specific to Sculpting and cannot be changed. Surface and Scenery lock is specific to Sculpting and will be grayed out when using paint tools. Alternately the dash and minus keys (- or =) can be used to change intensity and the left or right square bracket ( ) can change the brush size.
Using the controls on the right side of the textures, players can adjust the general intensity of the paint and the size of the brush. Moving quickly over an area will apply a lighter coating while slower movements will cause a more dense coat. Hold down the left mouse button to paint. A target will appear that represents the size of the brush. To start painting, hover the mouse over the ground to be changed. Eight textures related to the chosen biome will be available. To use the painting tools, select Terrain in the lower right-hand corner of the interface. In the Custom Environment, all 48 paints are available to choose from when setting up the environment, but only the eight final selections can be used once the park is created. There are six terrain biomes in the game and each biome has eight available paints for a total of fourty-eight.