The repeated Eye Beam and Metamorphosis casts all give an Inner Demon proc that does not stack and will be wasted if you do not weave an annihilation cast between each, however not disrupting your double Death Sweep in an Essence Break damage window is higher priority.

It has been put as a talent option only on the opener due to this, however on every cast of Metamorphosis this will be true.

Inner Demon makes a large shift to how your opener is performed but has virtually zero changes to your rotation outside of it. Without enough Haste you will not fit the entire second Death Sweep in the 4 second amplification on aoe it is still worth performing for the early slashes being buffed, however on single target the opener changes to use Essence Break after Metamorphosis and fit 1 Death Sweep and 2 Annihilation in the window instead. This is a setup assuming you're talented into Furious Gaze, or have similar effects to Bloodlust making you able to land both sweeps within the essence break window. Special Note: Using 2 Death Sweep in your Essence Break Amp Window

Havoc Demon Hunter Rotations in Dragonflightġ2 Vengeful Retreat Paired with Essence Break I can also commonly be found in The Fel Hammer Demon Hunter discord helping when I can. My stream can be found Here typically I will be streaming keys or mythic raid progression and reclears. I'm Shadarek, a semi-hardcore player currently raiding as an officer of Resonate on Bleeding Hollow US. In this Dragonflight rotation guide, we provide the best Havoc Demon Hunter rotation for for all talent builds in both dungeons and raids for.